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Five important steps

Our five-step strategy to ensure your exercise plan is a success. Has your health and fitness deteriorated? Are you watching the scales go up each year? Have you decided to join the gym and make some lifestyle changes? Did you answer these questions with a ‘yes’?...

Reasons to cancel your gym membership

In 2019, more than 62.5 million people were gym members and only around 18% of these members actually went to the gym consistently… which only really “worked out” for the gym owners! The Gym Membership Model is based on your failure Many of the low-cost gyms have a...

Top Tips from Bfit to Accelerate Fat Loss

Flip-It! So many dieters fail because they take a restrictive approach, but if they just turned the tables and focused on adding good food into their diet, they would be far less likely to eat rubbish. Start rethinking your whole nutrition approach and use the...

Are you stuck in the snack trap?

Are you eating perfectly healthy meals and putting in your time at the gym and still not seeing the results you want? If your snacking is out of control then your results will always be disappointing. Here’s our guide to healthy snacking that will boost your...